Upcoming Parent Trainings:
Michigan State University Extension
Child and Family Development Offerings
MSU Extension has a wide range of free online classes for parents, caregivers and early childhood professionals. See below for our September offerings! And check out our Facebook page for more information and resources at MI Stronger Family - MSU Extension.
MSU Extension programs and material are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status.
Support and Training For Milatary Familes
Click on images below to register
Click on images below to register
How can You Chage what Your brain does
Recordings of Past Trainings:
Stephanie Grant, PhD covers trauma basics, differences in neurobiology, and suggestions for caregiving. The training is designed to help families and educators increase and strengthen their abilities to support people in their lives to understand and respond to children from hard places.
Click Here to view this training
Click Here to view this training